Hi God’s Heart Radio. My name is Bobby. First, thank you for your ministry. Thank you for having this app available. I am totally blind and use voice over on my iPhone. The app seems relatively easy to use. I turned on the station in the middle of the night, and when I woke up I heard someone on the station leading people in a prayer to receive Jesus and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The title of the talk was God Is Not Mad At You. I grew up with the angry God being taught. It’s great to know God is not mad at me. I am a spirit-filled Christian, and fifteen days ago I gave up the angry God image for the happy God. I was then led by the Holy Spirit to start listening to God’s Heart Radio which I had downloaded on my phone and iPod, but I hadn’t really listened to it much. Today I have come to realize that after all the looking around for good Christian radio and TV apps on the net that I’ve found the station I’ve been looking for. I love the message of grace versus the one of condemnation. The message of security in Jesus makes me want to live for Him. I know people say that if you tell people they are secure in Jesus it gives them a license to sin, but I personally believe that the opposite is true. Knowing I am secure in Jesus makes me want to live for Him more because I know when I do mess up He’s not gonna kick me out. It gives me the confidence to keep going and trust Him to help me live more and more for Him. Thank you for what you are doing.
Hi God’s Heart Radio. My name is Bobby. First, thank you for your ministry. Thank you for having this app available. I am totally blind and use voice over on my iPhone. The app seems relatively easy to use. I turned on the station in the middle of the night, and when I woke up I heard someone on the station leading people in a prayer to receive Jesus and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The title of the talk was God Is Not Mad At You. I grew up with the angry God being taught. It’s great to know God is not mad at me. I am a spirit-filled Christian, and fifteen days ago I gave up the angry God image for the happy God. I was then led by the Holy Spirit to start listening to God’s Heart Radio which I had downloaded on my phone and iPod, but I hadn’t really listened to it much. Today I have come to realize that after all the looking around for good Christian radio and TV apps on the net that I’ve found the station I’ve been looking for. I love the message of grace versus the one of condemnation. The message of security in Jesus makes me want to live for Him. I know people say that if you tell people they are secure in Jesus it gives them a license to sin, but I personally believe that the opposite is true. Knowing I am secure in Jesus makes me want to live for Him more because I know when I do mess up He’s not gonna kick me out. It gives me the confidence to keep going and trust Him to help me live more and more for Him. Thank you for what you are doing.